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Danica's Educational Background 

Esalen Approach Certified (100 hrs study as the Esalen Institute + apprenticing for a year)


Naud Bo Raun Thai Massage study in Chiang Mai Thailand(140 hr with advanced techniques)


Craniosacral study w Upledger Institute (CS1+2, SER1+2, CSPeds1+2, CS for chronic depletion, the brain speaks class and CS for cranionerves- 210 hours total) 


Sarga Bodywork Certified  (40 hours of online work and 40 of in person Sarga 101 and Sarga advanced training = 80total)


Lomi Lomi Massage w Kumu Eva at Ho’omana Spa in Maui - Lomi Fundamentals, Advanced Core, Advanced Extremities (75hrs of training)


Prenatal (taught with esalen, with doula training and CS Pediatric with Upledger) 


Certified Health Educator with Hippocrates Health Institute(350 hours)


T Collin Campbell Nutrition Education (40 hrs)


Hridaya yoga and meditation - module 1, 2 and 3 and one silent retreat (250+hrs)


DONA international birth and postpartum doula (50hrs of Class time) 


Associates of science from Southwestern Oregon Community College

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